Alliance for Public Health at AIDS 2024

Next week, from 22 to 26 July, Munich will host the International AIDS 2024 conference. This biennial global gathering brings together leading scientists, NGOs, key community representatives, international organizations and many others to discuss pressing issues in the fight against the epidemic. The focus of this year’s conference is Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Walls are not the answer. #PutPeopleFirst!

You can learn more about the EECA region and AIDS 2024 at and our social networks.

We are pleased to introduce you to one of the conference participants, one of the leading organizations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia – Alliance for Public Health, an international organization from Ukraine dedicated to improving public health through the implementation of innovative and sustainable health programs, in Ukraine and EECA. Andriy Klepikov, APH Executive Director, will represent the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region as co-chair of the international conference.

During AIDS 2024, Alliance for Public Health will be actively involved in many of the conference events and sessions where it will share success stories on HIV and TB, showcasing the organization’s global collaboration and achievements. 

We are pleased to present to you key information about the activities and sites of APH at AIDS 2024.

Global Village

Alliance for Public Health will be represented at the Global Village at AIDS 2024 in two main spaces: AD09, a shared space with GFAN, and AD08, a shared space of the EECA Region. Visit AD09 to learn more about APH’s innovative projects, including the digitalisation of services and the realities of working in war.


21 July, 15:00 – 16:30.
Session – The future of the AIDS movement and sustainability of the AIDS response with Andriy Klepikov, Room 13b/Channel 7

Conference22 July

9:30 – 11:00: Satellite session onPerson-centered and integrated healthcare and harm reduction services for people living with and affected by HIV, hepatitis C, and tuberculosis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia“, featuring Dr. Milosz Parczewski and more.

17:00 – 18:30: Opening session with AIDS 2024 Co-Chairs, including Andriy Klepikov. Room C1/Channel 1

Conference23 July

10:30 – 11:30: Symposium on “40 Years of community leadership” by Tetiana Deshko. Room 14b/channel 3

15:00 – 16:00: Symposium onPast, present, future: Surveillance tools for a changing epidemiological contextby Pavlo Smyrnov. Room B0a/Channel 4

Conference24 July.

10:30 – 12:00: Special session by Andriy Klepikov

Conference25 July

16:30 – 17:30: Special session onReframing PrEP and STI care outside the box and into real-world settings: Innovations and social determinants of healthby Pavlo Smyrnov. Room 13b/channel 7

Conference – 26 July.

16:00 – 17:00: Closing Session with AIDS 2024 Co-Chairs, including Andriy Klepikov. Room C1/Channel 1.

Join the activities of Alliance for Public Health at AIDS 2024, interact with experts, share experiences and contribute to the movement. Together we can make a difference. Walls are not the solution. #PutPeopleFirstEECA

To find out more about all of Alliance for Public Health activities at AIDS2024, please visit the APH website.

Learn more about Eastern Europe and Central Asia at AIDS – or our main web page: 
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