Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health (REG) at AIDS 2024

Next week, from 22-26 July, the international AIDS 2024 conference will take place in Munich. As we wrote earlier, one of the key parts of the conference is the Global Village, where various events and activities are happening. Key regional networks and organizations are united at the EECA Region Space in the AIDS 2024 Global Village EECA Region Space, AD08. 

From 22 to 25th of July, the EECA Region Space  – in HALL A1, AD08, will host a range of sessions designed to share best practices, successes, and challenges from EECA

We are pleased to present a session by Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health (REG) – “Enhancing HIV Services for Migrants and Refugees from Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.

The session will take place on 23 July from 10:30 to 11:30 at EECA Region Space in the Global Village (Room A1, AD08).

The REG session at EECA Region Space will discuss collaboration and solidarity initiatives that ensure continuity of HIV treatment for migrants from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The session will be held in Russian and Ukrainian with simultaneous translation into English. The session is organized with the support of #SoS_Project 2.0, Cermes3, Paris Cité University, ANRS | MIE.

This session will be moderated by REG representatives – Daniel Kashnitsky and Mari Chokheli.
Among the speakers of the session are:
Dr. Alijon Soliev, Republican AIDS Centre, Tajikistan
Kirill Barskiy, Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health 
Zhenya Mayilyan, Real World Real People, Armenia
Krystyna Rivera, 100% Life NGO, Ukraine/Germany
Natalia Tiuniahina, Foundation HelpNow HUB, Poland

The Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health (REG) invites everyone to join the discussion. Registration for those who will not be able to attend the AIDS 2024 Global Village in person is available at this link.

Join us at the AIDS 2024 Global Village, Hall A1, AD08, from July 22-25. Engage with experts, share experiences, and contribute to the dialogue. Together, we can make a difference. Walls are not the answer. #PutPeopleFirstEECA 

For a detailed schedule of all events at EECA Region Space, view the comprehensive page with schedule

Learn more about Eastern Europe and Central Asia at AIDS – or our main web page: 
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