Exhibitions at the 25th AIDS Conference

An important part of the 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024) to be held in Munich will be the Exhibitions, where international foundations and organisations, pharmaceutical companies and research institutes working in the field of HIV will be present.

This space is an important platform for sharing knowledge and innovations. Exhibition stands will be open from the first day of the conference, giving participants the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis, to interact with leading scientists and medical experts, and to familiarise with new technologies and products.

During the exhibitions, delegates will have the opportunity to interact with representatives of the most influential international organisations that make a significant contribution to overcoming the HIV epidemic worldwide. These will include the following:

IAS (International AIDS Society): the leading organisation of HIV professionals from around the world and the organiser of this and previous AIDS conferences.

The Global Fund: an international foundation that funds HIV, TB and malaria programmes worldwide and strongly supports programmes in the EECA region.

Frontline AIDS: the largest global partnership that brings together community and civil society organisations around the world working together to effectively respond to all HIV-related challenges. In the EECA region, the partnership with Frontline AIDS includes ICF “Alliance for Public Health “.

PEPFAR: a US government initiative to fight HIV worldwide.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF): a global non-governmental organisation that provides medical care and support to people living with HIV.

Another feature of the conference is various activist protests. They are usually held at the Exhibition locations to draw the attention of pharmaceutical companies, the media and the general public to the problems related to the provision of affordable essential medicines in different countries of the world.

The protests aim to draw attention to unresolved problems in HIV treatment, call for more transparency in the pharmaceutical industry, lower drug prices and support generic medicines in countries. They also highlight the importance of collaboration between the public, scientists and government organisations to achieve the common goal of overcoming the HIV epidemic.

A detailed list of exhibition stands can be found at AIDS 2024 Programme

Don’t miss the opportunity to speak directly with representatives of these key organisations in the HIV response! 

Learn more about Eastern Europe and Central Asia at AIDS 2024 by visiting aids2024.virusoff.info, a special web page dedicated to EECA and AIDS 2024 on the online regional platform Virus OFF. 

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