Late-breaking research to expect at AIDS 2024

The 25th International AIDS Conference, AIDS 2024 is just a week away! As a premier gathering of scientists, activists, policy makers and people living with HIV, AIDS 2024 will be an important platform to discuss the latest advances in HIV research, treatment and prevention. 

The conference recently announced the topics of some of the innovative research that will be presented in Munich.

Among the key highlights are the following:

  • The “next Berlin Patient”, a person experiencing sustained HIV remission without antiretroviral therapy after heterozygous CCR5 WT/delta32 allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 
  • Important new data from the PURPOSE 1 trial, which found that twice-yearly injectable lenacapavir demonstrated 100% efficacy for HIV prevention in cisgender women. 
  • Data from the PASO-DOBLE trial showing non-inferior efficacy and less weight gain when switching to DTG/3TC vs. BIC/FTC/TAF in virologically suppressed people living with HIV. 
  • Results of a pilot randomized controlled trial of doxycycline pre-exposure prophylaxis (DoxyPrEP) for prevention of bacterial STIs in gay men and other men who have sex with men who are living with HIV. 
  • New findings from DTG Resist, a large multi-country study on dolutegravir resistance patterns in central, eastern, southern and western Africa. 
  • Insights from a first-of-its-kind survey showing significant HIV stigma and discrimination among European healthcare workers. 

All AIDS 2024 abstracts are also available in the conference programme

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