Living free with HIV: a charity run at AIDS 2024 in Munich

On July 21, Life4me+ will host a charity run called “Living free with HIV” in Munich, leading up to the AIDS 2024 event.

This run continues a series that started last October in Warsaw. The goal of the campaign is to promote a healthy lifestyle and fight against HIV stigma. In a few months, it has positively impacted many lives and helped promote respect for everyone, regardless of their HIV status.

The run is for everyone, no matter their fitness level. Participants can choose to run either 5 km or 10 km, and everyone will receive a medal at the finish line. The money raised will support projects in Germany that fight HIV stigma and discrimination.

People from the EECA region can join the run for free. For more details, contact the organizers. You can help even if you don’t plan to run! Become a volunteer and support the event from registration to the award ceremony.

We need your help! Contact us at to learn more.

Register now to support a world where everyone can live freely with HIV!

For more information about the event, visit the campaign web page:

Learn more about Eastern Europe and Central Asia at AIDS 2024 by visiting – the special web page of the online regional platform Virus OFF, dedicated to EECA and AIDS 2024.

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