100% LIFE activities at AIDS 2024

Next week, from 22 to 26 July, Munich will host the International AIDS 2024 conference. This biennial global gathering brings together leading scientists, NGOs, key community representatives, international organizations and many others to discuss pressing issues in the fight against the epidemic. The focus of this year’s conference is Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Walls are not the answer. #PutPeopleFirst!

You can learn more about the EECA region and AIDS 2024 at aids2024.virusoff.info and our social networks.

100% LIFE’s Road Map: Navigating Healthcare Challenges in Conflict Zones

CO «100% Life» (former the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH) is the largest patient-led organization in Ukraine. The Network works with patients and for patients, including representation of the interests of people living with HIV in 25 regions of Ukraine. During AIDS 2024 – they will have a number of activities and participation to different sessions and discussions. Moreover, There will be a Networking Space of 100# Life in AIDS 2024 Global Village

At AIDS2024, 100% LIFE’s Road Map activities highlighted strategic insights and actionable steps to enhance healthcare access amidst adversity. Join these activities of the biggest patient organisation in Ukraine and delve into critical issues and innovative solutions shaping the future of global health.

Key Topics:

HIV in Ukraine: The impact of the war on HIV services and access to treatment for people living with HIV in Ukraine.

Community Response: The role of communities in overcoming the consequences of war, including providing support for people living with HIV.

Legal Assistance: Providing legal assistance to people living with HIV during wartime.

Digital health tools: Using digital tools to improve access to HIV services and care.

Stigma and Discrimination: Reducing stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, including TB stigma.

Access to medicine: Ensuring access to affordable medications for HIV and TB treatment.

See the full programme of the activities, join us!


WE WILL WIN! – 100% Life Networking Space

Networking Zone Activities: Collaborating for Global Health Equity

Networking Zone activities at AIDS2024 are designed to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and celebrate resilience in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. These activities provide a platform for networking, learning, and showcasing impactful initiatives that empower communities and drive positive change.

Date: July 21-25, 2024
Location: Global Village, Hall A1/ CS16

Key Topics:

Public health response to the war: There are sessions on how Ukraine’s healthcare system is coping with the war, restoring primary healthcare in affected areas, and shelters for vulnerable populations.

Civil society response to the war: The conference highlights the role of civil society organizations in supporting Ukrainians during the war. There are sessions on the (IM)POSSIBLE project and activities of organizations like Positive Women and NGO VOLNA.

Digital tools for healthcare: There are sessions on digital tools used in the fight against HIV, such as the DATACHECK project management app, the Complete Care4You client mobile application, and the Legal Bot 100% LIFE chatbot.

Stigma reduction: There are sessions on reducing stigma associated with TB and HIV in Ukraine.

Community voices: There are sessions where representatives from various communities discuss the challenges they face due to the war and their efforts to overcome them.

See the full programme of We will win! – networking zone, join activities.


Join 100%Life‘s sessions and delve into critical issues and innovative solutions shaping the future of global health. Together we can make a difference. Walls are not the answer. #PutPeopleFirstEECA

Learn more about Eastern Europe and Central Asia at AIDS 2024aids2024.virusoff.info – or our main web page: VirusOFF.info 
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